Thursday, September 20, 2007

A busy summer that took up most of my attention, and I kept meaning to post, yet put it off. I think that in my effort to see this summer as a time to recreate myself in the face of transitions, I scared myself off a bit, feeling uncertain as to where I was going to go with this 're-creation' of my life, not wanting to do it 'wrong', or screw it up, especially since I seem intent on going public with it.
So, I've given myself a pep talk about just going for it, and now I've pulled up my courage enough to push myself back toward regular posting again.
In the works right now for me, are still job searching/freelance networking, a new grandson (my first grandchild!), I am returning to writing a novel that I put aside for awhile, trying to sort out how I wanted to approach it (somewhat like my life I think). I have also gone back to teaching, something I used to do many years ago. I am offering classes again at my studio, a visual journalling class and a mixed media class creating archetype cards. I am looking forward to visual work in my studio again, it has been awhile since I have given myself permission to play. It is about time I remember that it is a matter of giving myself permission, there is no one else I need to ask.
Oh, and I am back in scho0l, 1/2 time this semester, finally finishing up my degree, and completing a minor in creative writing. I guess that is what is on the top of my mind now, good to be back.

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