In a few weeks I will be teaching my
Tarot and the Kabalah class at Sacred Paths Center here in Minneapolis. It is a class that I originally designed and taught with my friend Loui Pieper. We taught the first session of it in the early 1980s, back when tarot was relatively obscure and mysterious. There were only a few books out on tarot, and only a few decks available. Now, tarot is everywhere, books are published weekly, new decks (and reprints of old ones) appear monthly. Teachers, and information abound, and that is not to even mention what can be found on the internet. And yet, when I taught the class last spring for the first time in years, I found myself and my students still captivated by what there was to explore in the material and in our decks. The layers and depth of the symbol systems associated with the tarot are astounding (or, to use the terminology of the year, epic)! So it is with great enthusiasm that I offer this course, looking forward to the journey and those who will join me on it this time around.
Tarot & The Kabbalah
The following four classes cover the entire Tarot deck and various reading techniques. The information will take a student from beginner to reader. Both those new to Tarot and experienced students will find this course reveals more of Tarot's layered mysteries and offers new perspectives.
Each class can be taken separately, but a discount applies to students taking the full set. Prepaid discount price is $300. Repeat students are welcome and may take the class at a 20% discount.
Minor Arcana
Basic Kabbalah and elemental knowledge presents the students with an understanding of the numbered cards of the suits and insight into how the meanings of each card were derived.
4 Session beginning Thursday, January 20th, 7-9:30 pm $80
Major Arcana
All the rich symbols and archetypes associated with the 22 trump cards will be discussed and correlated to the Tree of Life as well as the paths and transformative changes in our own lives. Both esoteric and practical day-to-day meanings will be explored.
6 sessions beginning Thursday February 17th, 7-9:30 pm $120
Court Cards
Representing the people in our lives as well as aspects of our own personalities, these 16 cards can be tricky to get a handle on. We will look at them in depth in this 2 week session.
2 sessions beginning Thursday March 31st, 7-9:30 pm $40
Introduction to Reading
Covers basic card spreads, reading techniques, communication styles, ethics and responsibilities of reading for others. Knowledge of definitions and familiarity with the meanings of the individual cards are required.
4 sessions beginning Thursday April 14th, 7-9:30 pm $80
These classes taught at Sacred Path Center, 777 Raymond Avenue, St. Paul
Call 651-644-3727 for more information or to register. Preregistration is required. Taught by Nell Morningstar.
Nell Morningstar has studied and read tarot professionally for over 35 years. A lifelong journal keeper, writer and artist, she is also a doll and puppetmaker and devoted to studying myth and mystery.